summer restarts | safety and comfort after the pandemic
Dear friends,
From July 1, 2020 on, we will be waiting for you, having taken all the necessary measures for your safety, ours and that of our staff, against the invisible threat to our health.
We continue cleaning the rooms and common areas with the thoroughness we have always shown and we disinfect every day.
This is the "luxury" we offer this year. To feel safe and be safe.
Linen is washed at 60 degrees and ironed at high temperature, as always.
The use of the central cooling system may not be allowed this year but the room has windows on both sides,( there are screens on all windows against mosquitoes) and you can also use the ceiling fan.
Breakfast is served in the open air, overlooking the sea.
There will be no overcrowding in indoor corridors since each room has an external door.
We offer you 350 acres to keep as much social distance as you like.
With your help and cooperation, this year too, your vacation at “eleonas” will be enjoyable and relaxing.
Let’s not forget: we wash our hands well and often - we sneeze and cough in our elbow - we keep our distance.
To the island of Evia you can come by car and swim on beaches where you will be almost alone.

This year our smile will be hidden behind a mask, but will be heard in the tone of our voice. It will be seen in our attitude.

We are one click away. On our website you will find prices and availability.
The year 2020 has restarted. Let us enjoy instant joys like this rainbow created by a leak in the water pipe.

You made us very happy by reading and trying the recipe for the olive bread. Thank you for sending pictures. Congratulations. I hope you had fun and …a taste of Greece in England, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Australia.

In a recent seminar we were told that smell is a very strong sense (after vision) and we should not let it fade.
Come to Rovies to train your sense by smelling aromas of the Greek nature.
And last but not least we are honored to be part of the “” featuring environmentally and socially hotels.
Ethic, a Greek word for a set of high moral principles.
If you are ready to travel to Greece, here are some very useful information form A to Z
ZEUS The God of philoxenia (hospitality) wishes you a great, safe holiday in Greece!
kind regards
Marina and Stefanos
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