Starting 2024 | eleonas hotel
Dear Friends,
January is a month of organization. After the tension at the beginning of the month with the necessary New Year’s Resolutions, you continue calmly, deleting the difficult ones and making new decisions from the warm embrace of the sofa in front of the fireplace! |
I take many walks wandering throughout the Estate grounds, sometimes with sun, sometime walking in the cold and rain. |
I have updated the libraries in the guest rooms with "fresh" books which are waiting to keep you company on your vacation. |
I also made gifts that smell beautiful of lavender. There are not many. Come in spring to be the first to get one. |
The olive press facilities are (almost) ready. Now we place the furniture.
We are also creating a small museum.

Stefanos takes care of the estate.
At the moment he prunes the olives.
Many are burnt and we hope they will come back to life. Burnt pine trees fall down with the wind causing destruction and more work.

Thank you so much for your cards with your news and well wishes. We happily decorated them in the living room of the hotel
This year the design of our New Year’s card was a reproduction of the very first card we sent 23 years ago. Memories or is it coming full circle??

" Is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves."
May you achieve your greatest goals.
Peace, love and
Happy New Year
Marina and Stefanos
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