- Plajele se intind de-a lungul ?armului pe o distan?a de 27 km din Limni pana in Ilia. Plajele izolate cu prundi? din fa?a hotelului Eleonas sunt intotdeauna pustii, astfel incat nu va fi greu sa gasi?i o plaja numai pentru dvs., chiar ?i in luna august!
- Conduce?i spre Agia Anna, de cealalta parte a insulei Evia, ?i descoperi?i o intindere de 7 km de nisip auriu pur.
- Daca va plac provocarile, la distan?a de numai o plimbare cu bicicleta va a?teapta o cascada intr-un cadru spectaculos, in mun?i, langa Drimona.
- Golful Evia este marea pe care o vede?i de la Eleonas. Este intotdeauna calm ?i bogat in ceea ce prive?te via?a marina. Pe timpul nop?ii, din loc in loc pe mare ve?i vedea lumini ale pescarilor ?i, daca ave?i noroc, ve?i vedea ?i delfini. Nu rata?i ocazia de a face snorkeling!
- Excursioni?tii ?i alpini?tii se pot bucura de muntele Candili ?i muntele Dirfis, cel mai inalt munte din Evia, unde pute?i chiar ?i sa schia?i pe timpul iernii.
Rovies Beach

The beaches of Evoikokos bay have pebbles. What can be better ? There is no sand to get into your eyes and inside your bathing suit.
Since the waters are so clear, the sea urchins prefer to live in some places too. We suggest that you have a pair of sea shoes with you.
You can find the beaches on the map.
If some of you prefer a drink and others swimming or sunbathing, Rovies beach is ideal.
It offers cozy taverns, showers for rinsing off the sea water, play-ground and benches to rest.
You can swim all day until the sun goes down as the sea is quite warm.
Heracles Beach

On the way from Limni to Rovies, right before the entrance to the village Rovies.
This is a sheltered bay with trees reaching almost the sea offering natural shade.
The pebbles on the beach are small and the sea deepens gradually. It is ideal for children and elderly people.
"Kamares" Beach

From the village Rovies up to the stream there is a 10 km beach waiting for you. The sound of the waves and the bird’s tweeting will keep you company. The beach is strewn with small pebbles. Children can create imaginary shapes with shells which are uncovered when the tide is low.
“Kamini” beach

Here you can enjoy your swimming wearing goggles. The sea deepens very soon and it becomes deep blue. There is no natural shade on the beach. You will need to bring an umbrella with you.
Taxiarchi’s Beach

It is on the way from Rovies to Edipsos. It is not easy to reach because of the summer camps of the Archibishopry of Chalkida.
If you walk along the fence you will reach a small bay strewn with small pebbles and crystal clear waters.
Chronia Beach

South of the village Chronia there is a small pretty pebble bay.
Kohyli beach

Two km north of Limni, the beach is named after the beach bar which is there. It is an organized beach with shade, shower, sunbeds.
“Kanatadika” Beach

The beach is long and is covered with tiny pebbles.
Are you hungry? You can have a bite in one of the tavernas there with a view of the Pagassitikos Bay across the sea.
Do not forget to have your binoculars with you to watch the birds, which live on the wetland here at the outfall of the stream.
The coast of Edipsos

Below the cafeteria “Thermee” in Edipsos the hot waters flow freely into the sea.
You can swim summer or winter and enjoy the beneficial quality of there mineral waters.